Guulabaa Tourism Precinct: Home to Koala Conservation and Australia’s Largest Suspension Playground

In the Cowarra State Forest just a short drive from Port Macquarie, the tourism precinct known as Guulabaa (Place of Koala) is now home to Australia’s largest suspension playground, known as Wildnets.

The adventure park features interconnected nets high in the trees, where visitors can jump in ball pits, walk across suspension bridges, swing in hammocks and more. 50% of profits are donated to Koala Conservation Australia, with the whole Guulabaa Tourism Precinct championing the protection of the endangered marsupial.

The precinct has also started construction on the world’s first wild koala breeding facility, which was funded by the huge amount of donations made from the 2020/2021 bushfires. With walking trails, an Indigenous Art Gallery, and the biggest Hello Koala sculpture on site, there are plenty of reasons to visit this growing attraction.