What to Do When Wine Isn’t For You

While Sonoma County is best known for being a wine region, many don’t know what else this vast region excels at. Awesome breweries and distilleries, olive farms and tasty cheese are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the hidden gems this region offers.

If you’re a lover of the arts, local galleries and arts centers illustrate the county’s own artistic expression while concert venues like the Green Music Center or the downtown nightlife provide a soundtrack for your adventure. Looking for a lively night on the town? Head to Guerneville or Petaluma to visit the local beer gardens and taverns that serve cocktails harvested with their own garden ingredients or fresh food bites that will leave you wanting more. Speaking of Downtown Petaluma, before your night out be sure to shop at the town’s remarkable antiques and fashion pieces that celebrate the style and aesthetic of Sonoma County.

For more information contact Hannah – hannah@gate7.com.au